Sebai Bai

Mahotella Queens

Sebai Bai

Mahotella Queens

Indigo LBLC 2571

Mahotella Queens är en sydafrikansk vokalgrupp med rötter tillbaka till 1960-talet. I häftet finns informativ text på engelska o franska. 13 spår.

"The Queens, often heard in concert and on record with deep-voiced "groaner" Simon Mahlathini, represent the South African township style with absolute perfection. Established in 1964 as a session harmony group, they came to prominence in the '70s with their tough vocal style and rock-solid mbaqanga backing band. Some of the original Queens have toured the States with Mahlathini recently, displaying their sprightly dancing and gutsy harmonies to appreciative Western audiences..." (
  1. Kumnyana endlini
  2. Sebai Bai
  3. Safari yangu
  4. Masibambaneni
  5. Umona
  6. Dlhaya mhunu
  7. Town hall
  8. Awungibhaleli ngani
  9. Mab´amantsentse
  10. Love emotion
  11. Wase wangidelela
  12. Kukhona intombi
  13. Lwase lwafika
Pris: 100 kr