Monday Night

Jones, Thad & Lewis, Mel (Thad Jones - Mel Lewis Jazz Orchestra
Beskrivning:Trumpetaren Thad Jones och trumslagaren Mel Lewis satte på 1960-talet ihop ett storband med New Yorks jazzelit och fick en stadig speltid på jazzklubben Village Vanguard på måndagskvällarna. Bandet utvecklades till att bli ett av de ledande i branschen. Här hörs de live på Village Vanguard. Utvikningskonvolut med text av Ed Beach.
"The Thad Jones-Mel Lewis Orchestra was one of the most significant big bands of the late '60s, a most unpromising era for larger jazz orchestras. This live session from the band's regular Monday night gig at the Village Vanguard has strong solos from altoist Jerry Dodgion, Eddie Daniels and Seldon Powell on tenors, trombonist Jimmy Knepper, a bit of plunger trumpet from Jimmy Nottingham, pianist Roland Hanna and trumpeter Richard Williams in addition to Thad Jones himself. Most impressive is Bob Brookmeyer's adventurous arrangement of "St. Louis Blues." The contents of this out-of-print LP have been included in the Mosaic box set The Complete Solid State Thad Jones/Mel Lewis." (scott Yanow,
6 spår; speltid 42:43.
Skivbolag: Solid State SS 18048 (1968)
Format: LP
Skick: Vinyl Nära nyskick
USA-pressning, cut-out.
- Mornin´ reverend
- Kids are pretty people
- St Louis blues
- The waltz you "swang" for me
- Say it softly
- The second race