The Jazz Odyssey of Jimmy Rushing

Count Basies gamle blues shouter Jimmy Rushing ger sig här ut på en resa genom jazzhistorien, från New Orleans via Kansas City och Chicago till New York. Han beledsagas av fyra olika ensembler, ledda av kollegan från Basietiden, trumpetaren Buck Clayton. Irving Townsend har skrivit baksidestexten.
"With four separate groups representing the distinct styles of jazz from New Orleans, Chicago, Kansas City, and New York, Jimmy Rushing sings a dozen favorites, revisiting staples from his repertoire like "Baby, Won't You Please Come Home" and "Rosetta," as well as classics he had recently discovered, such as W.C. Handy's "Careless Love." But the obvious high point is Rushing's first recording on piano, as he accompanies himself on his hilarious conversational narrative blues "Tricks Ain't Walkin' No More" (which he later reprised during a 1960s appearance on Ralph Gleason's Jazz Casual TV series, though that performance wasn't released on video for the first time until 1995). The supporting cast is a strong one, including Buck Clayton, Vic Dickenson, Buddy Tate, Jo Jones, Milt Hinton, Hank Jones, Dicky Wells, and Budd Johnson, among others." (Ken Dryden,
12 spår; speltid 40:13.
Skivbolag: Philips B 07235 L (1957)
Format: LP
Skick: Vinyl Mycket gott skick
Holländsk pressning. Konvolutet tejpat runt gavlarna.
- New Orleans
- Trix ain´t walkin´ no more
- Baby won´t you please come home
- Piney Brown blues
- ´Tain´t nobody´s biz-ness if I do
- I´m gonna move to the outskirts of town
- Careless love
- Doctor Blues
- Rosetta
- Lullaby of Broadway
- Old fashioned love
- Some of these days