National Jazz Ensemble, vol 1

Natioal Jazz Ensemble / Israels, Chuck
Beskrivning:Basisten/arrangören Chuck Israels bildade National Jazz Ensemble som en repertoarorkester, dvs en ensemble som återskapade viktiga verk ur jazzens historia. Ungefär som en symfoniorkester som framför verk ur hela musikhistorien. I orkestern finns handplockade, synnerligen kompetenta musiker och några skickliga solister. Dessutom ett par eminenta gästsolister: Lee Konitz och Bill Evans. På denna debut-LP finns musik av bl a Jelly Roll Morton, Duke Ellington, Horace Silver m fl. Chuck Israels har skrivit baksidestexten.
"...Included are such classics as Count Basie's "Every Tub," which was written in 1938. The ensemble plays it as an archetypical riff arrangement, loosely structured and full of trademarks from the Basie band of the period. Also included is Jelly Roll Morton's "Black Bottom Stomp," written in 1926 and music that still expresses itself directly to the listener today. The National Jazz Ensemble undertakes everything from early Ellington through Bill Evans with the utmost sense of improvisational styles from earlier jazz periods, while employing solos and accompaniment that are more recent to ourselves. Horace Silver's "Room 608" is driving and solidly structured, while "Solar Complexes," written by Chuck Israels, is based on the chord changes and some melodic ideas structured in alternating sections for soloist and ensemble. Overall, this is a tightly orchestrated version of some of America's most innovative music that has stood the test of time." (Paula Edelstein,
9 spår; speltid 39:17.
Skivbolag: Chiaroscuro CR 140 (1975)
Format: LP
Skick: Vinyl Nära nyskick
- Every tub
- Understanding depression
- Black bottom stomp
- Transblucency
- Room 608
- Solar complexes
- Hot feet
- Very early
- Harlem airshaft