
Holland, Dave & Habichuela, Pepe
Beskrivning:Basisten Dave Holland fick sitt genombrott som medlem i Miles Davis fusion-band och har sedan haft en framgångsrik solokarriär. Här möter han en annan gigant, inom flamencomusiken, gitarristen Pepe Habichuela. Tillsammans med ytterligare några flamencomusiker blir det ett möte mellan jazz och flamenco, som har rötter både i arabisk och romsk musik. Det är en smaksak om man ska katalogisera detta som jazz eller världsmusik. Holland och Habichuela har skrivit var sin personlig text i häftet.
"Dave Holland is best known as one of the great jazz bassists of his generation. Pepe Habichuela is an awe-inspiring flamenco guitarist. The two of them together, with Josemi and Carlos Carmona on additional guitars as well as a pair of percussionists, prove to be a wonderful combination. Holland brings his own experience to flamenco, subsuming himself in the genre, his bass imitating a voice on the glorious "Camaron," and giving free rein to the percussionists on "Joyride." It's Habichuela's magical fingers that mesmerize, covering the scales as adroitly as any pianist and bringing a rich fullness and a stunning imagination to the sound. But what's really at work here is a group consciousness, an exploration of flamenco, and the listener shares Holland's journey. There's nothing here that's diluted -- this is hardcore flamenco, very much the real thing -- and the hard realism is one of the great pleasures. Even though it can be overwhelming at times, that's in a good way." (Chris Nickson, allmusic.com)
10 spår; speltid 56:37.
Skivbolag: Dare2Records 0602527388533 (2009)
Format: CD
Skick: Begagnad
- Hands
- Subi la Cuesta
- Camaron
- The whirling dervish
- Yesqueros
- El ritmo me lleva
- Bailaor
- Joyride
- Puente Quebrao
- My friend Dave