Sortera efter: Inläggningsdatum - Upphovsperson - Titel - 10 / 20 / 100 träffar/sida
Radical Hollywood : the untold story behind America's favorite movies
(Inbunden - hardcover)
ISBN: 1-56584-718-0
Jazz. A History of America´s Music
Ward, Geoffrey C. & Burns, Ken
ISBN: 9 780 679 765 394
Folk song U.S.A. The 111 Best American Ballads
Lomax, John A. and Lomax, Alan (Collected, adapted and arranged)
ID: 555 945
Essays on the American public opinion & the Palestine problem
Alami, Adawia & Suleiman, Michael W.
ID: 104 102
The american approach to the arab world. Published for the Council on Foreign Relations
(Inb tråd med skyddsomslag)
ID: 104 138
The other side of the frontier. Economic explorations into native American history
ID: 104 446
Weaving the ethnic fabric. Social networks among Swedish-American radicals in Chicago 1890-1940
ID: 106 010
Bitter feast. Amerindians and Europeans in Northeastern North America, 1600-64
ID: 506 216