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The Oxford Library of Classic English Short Stories vol I & II


Volym I täcker åren 1900-1956 och har en introduktion av Roger Sharrock. Volym II innehåller noveller från 1956-1975.

Två band i en gemensam pappkassett med tryck.

Om innehållet:

"This selection of 20th century literature begins in the period preceding World War I with short stories from such authors as H.G.Wells, M.R.James and Saki. It continues with work written up until the mid-1970s, by a range of authors including Dylan Thomas, Graham Greene and Kingsley Amis. The volumes have been divided into turn of the century literature to 1956, and literature written during the period 1956-1975. Represented in the latter selection are leading American writers whose work continues to be widely read in the UK, and also a number of Commonwealth authors."

Språk: engelska

Sidor: 394+496

Förlag: Guild Publishing (1989)

Format: Dekorerat pappband

Skick: Nyskick
Skyddsomslag: Skyddsomslag i nyskick