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Highlights from: The Mikado - Iolanthe - The pirates of Penzance - The yeomen of the guard - HMS Pinafore - The gondoliers

Gilbert & Sullivan


Det engelska teamet Arthur Seymour Sullivan och William Schwenk Gilbert skrev under åren 1875 till 1896 13 verk som brukar benämnas Savoy-operorna. Här presenteras några höjdpunkter från sex av dem, framförda av Glyndebourne Festival Chorus & Pro Arte Orchestra, under ledning av Malcolm Sargent samt sångsolister som Richard Lewis, Elsie Morison, Marjorie Thomas, John Cameron, George Baker, Owen Brannigan m fl. 20 spår.


Skivbolag: Classics for Pleasure CFP 40238 (1958)

Format: LP

Skick: Vinyl Mycket gott skick
Engelsk pressning.


  1. The Mikado: If you want to know who we are
  2. A wandering minstrel I
  3. The sun, whose rays...
  4. For he´s gone and married Yum-Yum
  5. The yeomen of the guard: When maiden loves, she sits and sighs
  6. I have a song to sing, O!
  7. Iolanthe: Entrance and March of Peers - Loudly let the trumpets bray
  8. If we´re weak enough to tarry
  9. Soon as we may, off and away
  1. The Gondoliers: Take a pair of sparkling eyes
  2. I am a courtier, grave and serious
  3. Dance a cachuca, fandango, bolero
  4. The Pirates of Penzance: A am the very model of a modern Major-General
  5. Oh, is there not one maiden breast
  6. Poos wandering one!
  7. When a folen´s not engaged in his employment
  8. HMS Pinafore: We sail the ocean blue
  9. For I´m called little Buttercup
  10. I am the Captain of the Pinafore
  11. Oh joy, oh rapture unforeseen

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