Livin´ the blues

Jimmy Rushing var en av jazzens stora blues-shouters, sångare i Count Basies orkester från mitten av 1930-talet och till och från resten av livet. Han hade också en framgångsrik solokarriär. Här hörs han med ett par av sina gamla Basie-kollegor, trombonisten Dickie Wells och tenorsaxofonisten Buddy Tate, samt pianisten Dave Frishberg och en rytmsektion. Sheldon Harris har skrivit baksidestexten.
"Jimmy Rushing enjoyed great success in applying the blues to jazz rhythms and in doing so he had the best those two genres could offer, soul and swing. On this 1968 session, one of the last recordings he made for the Blues Way label, he is joined by a combination of Count Basie alumni (with whom he enjoyed perhaps his greatest success), Dave Frishberg, and other jazz musicians who do not quite raise to the level of the former two groups. The play list is dotted with tunes that were part of the basic Rushing repertoire including his classic "Sent for You Yesterday (And Here You Come Today)." The list also includes two pieces by Connie Rushing. Basie trombonist Dicky Wells gets in some good drawn-out licks here. Similarly on the almost pure blues, another former Basie-ite, Buddy Tate, gets a couple of prolonged, mournful choruses. Not everything is down-in-the-dumps material. Wells' "We Remember Prez" gets a thorough workout featuring Frishberg's earthy piano, Bobby Bushnell's fender bass, Buddy Tate's honking tenor, and Wells again as Rushing sits this one out. Despite that this was one of the last recordings Rushing made before his death, he was still in the top of his form and could shout the blues with the best of them. This LP needs to be transferred to CD." (Dave Nathan,
7 spår; speltid ca 35 min.
Skivbolag: BluesWay BLS-6017 (1968)
Format: LP
Skick: Vinyl Nära nyskick
- Sent for you yesterday
- Bad loser
- Sonny Boy blues
- We remember Prez
- Cryin´ blues
- Take me back baby
- Tell me I´m not too late